Welcome to my blog nerds. (((\(✘෴✘)/)))

Shit you may or may not wanna know.

If you got access to this blog, get the fuck off.

If you cant handle someone talking about their interests and opinions, Leave.

If your willing to listen and hear about my interests and opinions your weird, but whatever.

Ill link my twitter (https://www.tumblr.com/karkinnemini666) and blog (#https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/karkinnemini666) at the top so you fucks can do whatever.

- About me -

Im just a demon who likes dumb video games and shit, like Run and gunners, farming games blah blah you get the fucking point. If your wondering: "How did a demon get on the internet and make a blog?" fuck you dont ask dumb questions ╭∩╮(⋋‿⋌ )ᕗ If you wanna ask me questions go to my fucking blog dumbasses. ∋━━o(`∀´oメ)~→ _________________________________________________________________________ (Things i like: Heavy metal, Doom, Ferrets, Escargot:(Dont judge me its good.), a fuck ton of video games (farming games and shit are fun.), Beer. _________________________________________________________________________ (Things i fucking hate. (dislike): Nosy people, Along with noisy people, Large amounts of smoke (Fuck you amanda.), (I dont know design or whatever so fuck off??) (Also i dont update this!! go to my pages!!)